• T.C. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı :: İstanbul İl Millî Eğitim Müdürlüğü

Fostering The Well Being Of English Teachers

Fostering The Well Being Of English Teachers Asil Katılımcı Listesi
Katılımcı listesi adı soyadı bilgisine göre sıralanmıştır. Asil sıra durumu "Faaliyet Başvurularım" sayfasından öğrenilebilir.
# T.C. Kimlik No Adı Soyadı Kurumu Onay Durumu
1 23*******52 Beyzanur A**** İstanbul Bağcılar Diğer Kabul Edildi
2 50*******70 Buket D********** İstanbul Küçükçekmece Özel Uğur Ortaokulu Kabul Edildi
3 49*******04 Ceyda E**** İstanbul Adalar Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar Mesleki... Kabul Edildi
4 36*******36 Ece O*** İstanbul Kartal Semiha Şakir Anadolu Lisesi Kabul Edildi
5 54*******20 Gülşah S****** İstanbul Sultangazi Ahmet Ünal Kız Anadolu İmam... İptal Edildi
6 41*******46 Hamiyet Ş**** İstanbul Üsküdar Diğer İptal Edildi
7 46*******06 Mehtap G**** İstanbul Üsküdar Nursen Fuat Özdayı Ortaokulu Kabul Edildi
8 63*******52 Muhammed Ç**** İstanbul Esenyurt Esenyurt Osmangazi İlkokulu Kabul Edildi
9 18*******78 Nihan G************* İstanbul Bağcılar Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Ortaokulu Kabul Edildi
10 13*******74 Rahime G**** İstanbul Sultangazi 75 Yıl Ortaokulu İptal Edildi
11 31*******42 Safiye Y********** İstanbul Üsküdar Üsküdar Mihrimah Sultan Kız... Kabul Edildi
12 53*******08 Semra Ö****** İstanbul Pendik Pendik Türk Telekom Şehit Murat... Kabul Edildi
13 59*******60 Sümeyye Y******** İstanbul Küçükçekmece Altınşehir Ortaokulu Kabul Edildi
14 52*******22 Yağmur Ö**** İstanbul Bağcılar Bağcılar Anadolu Lisesi Kabul Edildi

                                                                                     FOSTERING THE WELL-BEING OF ENGLISH TEACHERS

Program Introduction:

Education, which is always changing, is one of the most essential aspects of human life. It is critical in helping individuals to achieve both in their professional and personal lives since it necessitates constant change. This is especially crucial in the teaching profession since the quality of teachers and their well-being is the most critical component in ensuring student achievement (Davis & Higdon, 2008). Teachers play a key role in creating positive classroom contexts, which contribute to the social, emotional, and academic growth of learners.

When English teachers begin teaching in a new context, they might improve their knowledge about learners and their characteristics, educational contexts, curriculum, educational ends, purposes, and values, as well as knowledge of philosophical and historical concerns of their new circumstances. Therefore, the well-being of teachers and learners is a current concern of education these days as learning may not take place if the teachers’ well-being is under the threat.

This training consists of 8 modules in total and will be completed in 8 weeks on Mondays at 16.30 - 18.30. The face-to-face sessions will start on 26/09/2022 and finish on 28/11/2022 . There will not be sessions on 14/11/2022 and 21/11/2022.

The sessions will be conducted face to face, some sessions may be held online depending on the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Assignment Procedure:

During the training, theoretical information will be provided in the first part of the sessions, while meditative exercises and discussions will be conducted in the second part to put learned theoretical knowledge into practice. Assignments will be given after each week to reflect on the course. To improve the quality of the course, the level of well-being will be measured before and after the course. There will be a reading text assigned for each week and participants will read the content online before the course.

Course Content and Flow:

The teachers participating in this training will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of learner and teacher well-being and immunity.

The weekly readings will be from the book:  Williams, M., Mercer, S., & Ryan, S. (2016). Exploring psychology in language learning and teaching. Oxford University Press. but the content of the course is fluid to change depending on the needs of the participant group.


Module 1: Introduction to Positive Psychology and Well-Being

Module2: Attitudes towards teaching

Module3: Classroom affectivity

Module 4:A Holistic Approach to Foster Well-Being

Module 5: Fostering Well-Being and Social-Emotional Learning Skills

Module 6: Resilience and Coping Strategies

Module7: Teaching Self-Efficacy

Module 8: Supportive Techniques for Teacher and Student Well-Being


Who should enroll in this training?

High School English teachers (K9-K12) who want to improvewell-being in their classrooms are welcome to attend this training. In addition, English teachers who want to designactivities and materials in meditative teaching related to social and emotional learning skills could find the event beneficial.

Materials and tools to be used in the training:

The tools and materials to be used in the training will be digital and will not require any fee. Each participant should have a good internet connection, a desktop/laptop computer, and a camera in case the training may be held online. For face-to-face sessions, timely arrival and active participation is expected.


A “Digital Participation Certificate” will be granted to the participants who follow the training regularly and complete their projects throughout the process.

Training Procedure:

Beforethe training begins, a survey will be administered to the participating teachers to determine their current level of teacher well-being and immunity. According to the data obtained, the syllabus of the training program will be slightly adjusted. After the training is completed, remote digital support will continue with the volunteer teachers.

* Since our training is certified, it is obligatory to attend the training unless a valid excuse is given after the main list is formed.

Language of Instruction: English

Advisor: Assoc. Prof.Dr. Enisa MEDE /Bahçeşehir University

Trainer: Ferhat KARANFİL/ İstanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education

#1 | Sümeyye Y********
16.12.2022 19:22
Ferhat KARANFİL hocam sizinle tanıştığımız ve bu güzel eğitim için değerli vaktinizden bizlere zaman ayırdığınız için çok teşekkür ederim. Başka bir eğitimde görüşebilmek umuduyla..

Bir sözle de bitirmek istiyorum.
Ben öğrencilerime herhangi bir şey öğretmiyorum. Sadece öğrenebilecekleri ortamı sağlıyorum. demiş Albert Einstein
#2 | Mehtap G****
16.12.2022 18:41
Çok verimli bir eğitimdi. Hocamıza çok teşekkür ediyorum.

Faaliyet Başvuru

Bu faaliyete başvuru 22.09.2022 23:59:59'da sona erdi.

Faaliyet Bilgileri

Faaliyet Sahibi: Lisan Atölyeleri
Faaliyet Türü: Atölye
Kapasitesi: 30
Başvuru Sayısı: ...
Faaliyet No: 20220148
Faaliyet Yeri: Tuna Salonu
Faaliyet Adresi: İstanbul Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, Binbirdirek Mahallesi M.İmran Öktem C.No1 Eski Adliye Binası Fatih/İstanbul
Faaliyet Tarihi: 26.09.2022 - 28.11.2022 [16:30 - 18:30]
Başvuru Tarihi: 08.09.2022 - 22.09.2022
Faaliyet Günü: PtSlÇrPrCmCtPz
Gruplar: Öğretmen, Kurum Müdür Yardımcı, Kurum Müdürü
Branşlar: İngilizce
İller/İlçeler: Tüm İller/Tüm İlçeler
Kurum Statüsü: Kamu/Özel
Kurum Türü: Tüm Kurumlar
Kadro Statüsü: Kadrolu, Sözleşmeli (4-B), Özel Sektör
Eğitmenler: Derin ATAY
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